This program allows investigators to view uploaded films and manipulate image data through the Web. With this program, images may be displayed, zoomed and reduced. In addition, it also includes region of interest (ROI) definition, Time Activity Curve (TAC) for dynamic images and as well as other image processing capabilities such as color manipulation, image filtering, 3D image reslicing, image conversion and volume viewer.

Image data and study information will be uploaded to the server for further processing.

The program is accessible through the web with any Java-enabled Internet browser from any platform (MAC, PC, or Unix). Many features are incorporated in the program from time to time. Currently the program supports GIF, JPEG, PICT, SUN Raster, CTI, SPECT, UCLA PACS MRI, UCLA PACS CT, Interfile and DICOM file format.

To access our system, your machine needs to be registered with our server and also requires an account. To request an account or send any comment please email to dtruong@mednet.ucla.edu.

Please enter your required account:

User name (i.e dtruong, jsmith etc.):

NOTE: As a privileged user, you should protect your password to prevent unauthorized users.