This website was established to provide public access to a set of mouse PET images/data generated at UCLA to promote public sharing of experimental data and to facilitate the absolute quantification of mouse PET images in terms of biological parameters. The website was developed under the support of NIH grants "Input Function for Quantitative Mouse MicroPET Studies" and "Methods for Quantitative Mouse PET Studies" (1R01 EB001943, PI: Sung-Cheng (Henry) Huang). A main project in these grants is to generate high quality dynamic mouse PET images with directly measured blood data at multiple time points during the dynamic PET scan to allow investigators to develop and/or evaluate/validate methods for deriving input functions from dynamic mouse PET images that are critical for absolute quantification of PET images. The image data sets on this website are mostly dynamic PET images of mouse (C57/BL6) after a bolus IV injection of FDG. The animals were either fasted or under normally fed conditions before the study. A few image sets were with the tracer FHBG, and some with FLT. Data sets with IP injection of FDG will be added in the near future. The blood data were from the femoral artery of the animals. All data sets have gone through careful quality control procedures before they were posted on the website. The data should enable investigators worldwide to develop, evaluate and validate new and better input function derivation methods or mouse PET quantification procedures, without performing themselves the expensive, time-consuming and technically challenging experiments. The data set would also allow investigators to search for surrogate input functions to facilitate the development of simple and practical quantitation procedures. The animal experiments were performed by many people. Major contributors were Drs. Christine Wu, Xiaoli Zhang, and Michael Kreissl. Dr. Mayumi Prins performed the delicate femoral artery cannulation operation in mouse in many early studies, and later taught the procedure to Dr. Zhang, who in turn taught Dr. Koon-Pong Wong, Amy Yu and others. Many fellows/postdocs (Drs. Koon-Pong Wong, Gregory Ferl, and Hong-Dun Lin) and graduate students (Chin-Lung Yu, Kooresh Shoghi-Jadid, Hillary Protas, Amy Yu) also contributed in assisting in the labor-intensive blood sampling procedure and the PET-CT scanning. In a few of the studies, a microfluidic blood sampler (Wu et al, J. Nucl. Med. 48:837-845, 2007) was used for blood sampling. The main person(s) in charge of the individual experiment as well as names of the assistants are listed in the information page for each study. Dr. Heinz Schelbert and Dr. William McBride provided general guidance and consultation on the biological conditions of the animals studied. All the mouse PET studies were performed in the small animal facility in the Crump Institute for Molecular Imaging that was under the direction and supervision of Drs. Arion Chatziioannou and David Stout. Dr. Waldemar Ladno, Mrs. Judy Edwards, Mr. Benjamin Chun and Ms. Antonia Luu helped the IV tail injection of the tracer and performed the mouse PET and mouse CT scans. The PET tracers were produced by the cyclotron facility under the direction of Dr. Nagichettiar Satyamurthy. This website was developed by Mr. David Truong and is currently maintained by Dr. Koon-Pong Wong. |